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The following site analysis information shall be inventoried and mapped at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 100 feet in sufficient detail, with brief descriptions if necessary, to allow for the proper evaluation of a preliminary plat. The site analysis map and accompanying descriptions shall be included with the submittal of the preliminary plat. The map(s) shall include:

(a) Existing and Proposed Lot, street, and highway right-of-way lines.

(b) Topographic Features, including existing contours within the exterior boundaries of the plat and extending to the centerline of adjacent public streets at vertical contour intervals of preferably one-foot intervals but not more than two-foot intervals. Elevations shall be marked on such contours, referenced to a vertical datum approved by the town or County engineer. Any rock outcrops, slopes of 12 percent or greater, ridge lines, and hilltops shall be noted.

(c) Hydrologic Characteristics, including lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks, drainage ditches, wetlands, floodplains, shoreland areas, and surface drainage patterns. The boundaries of wetlands shall be as delineated on the Wisconsin Wetland Inventory or more precise field identification. The boundaries of the one percent annual probability (100-year recurrence interval) floodplain, as determined by the Federal Flood Insurance Study or other technical document, shall be shown. Where such floodplain data are not available, the floodplain boundaries and related stages shall be determined by a professional engineer retained by the subdivider and the engineer’s report providing the required data shall be subject to review and approved by the town or County engineer.

(d) Delineations of Natural Resource Areas, including the boundaries of primary and secondary environmental corridors and isolated natural resource areas as identified by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC), and the location and type of any rare or endangered species habitat.

(e) Soil Types and their boundaries, as shown on the soil survey maps prepared by the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service.

(f) Existing Vegetation, including the boundaries and characteristics of woodlands and hedgerows. Predominant species of hedgerows and woodlands shall be identified. Unless located within an area proposed to be maintained in open space, specimen trees (i.e. large or distinct ornamental, mature, or rare old-growth trees such as ginkgo, bur oak, and American beech or hornbeam trees) shall be located and identified by species, size, and health.

(g) Historic, Cultural, and Archaeological Features, with a brief description of the historic character of buildings, structures, ruins, and burial sites.

(h) Scenic Vistas, both into the proposed subdivision from adjacent roads and public areas and views from within the proposed subdivision.

(i) The Location and Classification of existing streets and highways within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision and desirable or undesirable main entry and exit points for the subdivision.

(j) Existing Land Features within the proposed subdivision and within 100 feet therefrom, including cultivated and non-cultivated fields, paved areas, buildings, structures, and all encumbrances, such as easements or covenants.

(k) Public Parks and Open Space Areas within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision, and potential open space connections between the proposed subdivision and adjacent lands.

(l) Existing and, if Applicable, Proposed Zoning and land uses on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision.

(m) Any Additional Information requested by the County zoning administrator or staff, County zoning committee, or town board, plan commission, or staff. [Code § 14.04-2.]