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The following applicable minimum requirements shall be addressed in erosion control plans to the maximum extent practicable. P&D may establish more stringent erosion and sediment control requirements than the minimums set forth in this section if P&D determines that an added level of protection is needed to protect an environmentally sensitive area or other property, or to address a change made during plan implementation. Additionally, P&D may request both interim and final erosion plans for projects that are phased or complex in nature.

(a) Access Drives and Tracking. Provide access drive(s) for construction vehicles that minimize tracking of soil off site using BMPs such as stone tracking pads, tire washing or grates. Minimize runoff and sediment from adjacent areas from flowing down or eroding the access drive.

(b) Diversion of Upslope Runoff. Divert excess runoff from upslope land, rooftops or other surfaces, if practicable, using BMPs such as earthen diversion berms, silt fence and downspout extenders. Prevent erosion of the flow path and the outlet.

(c) Inlet Protection. Protect inlets to storm drains, culverts and other stormwater conveyance systems from siltation until the site is stabilized.

(d) Soil Stockpiles. Locate soil stockpiles away from channelized flow and no closer than 25 feet from roads, ditches, lakes, streams, ponds, wetlands or environmental corridors, unless otherwise approved by P&D. Control sediment from soil stockpiles. Any soil stockpile that remains for more than 7 days shall be stabilized.

(e) Cut and Fill Slopes. Minimize the length and steepness of proposed cut and fill slopes and stabilize them as soon as practicable.

(f) Channel Flow. Trap sediment in channelized flow before discharge from the site using BMPS such as sediment traps and sediment basins. Stabilize open channels in accordance with P&D standards as soon as practicable.

(g) Outlet Protection. Protect outlets from erosion during site dewatering and stormwater conveyance, including velocity dissipation at pipe outfalls or open channels entering or leaving a stormwater management facility.

(h) Overland Flow. Trap sediment in overland flow before discharge from the site using BMPs such as silt fence and vegetative filter strips.

(i) Site Dewatering. Treat pumped water to remove sediment prior to discharge from the site, using BMPs such as sediment basins and portable sediment tanks.

(j) Dust Control. Prevent excessive dust from leaving the construction site though construction phasing and timely stabilization or the use of BMPs such as site watering and mulch – especially with very dry or fine sandy soils.

(k) Topsoil Application. Save existing topsoil and reapply a minimum of 4 inches to all disturbed areas for final stabilization, unless otherwise approved by P&D, such as for temporary seeding or stormwater infiltration BMPs. If adequate topsoil does not exist on the site to meet this requirement, it shall be imported or a topsoil substitute such as compost may be used, upon approval by P&D.

(l) Waste Material. Recycle or properly dispose all waste and unused building materials in a timely manner. Control runoff from waste materials until they are removed or reused.

(m) Sediment Cleanup. By the end of each workday, clean up all off-site sediment deposits or tracked soil that originated from the permitted site. Flushing shall not be allowed unless runoff is treated before discharge from the site.

(n) Final Site Stabilization. All previous cropland areas where land disturbing activities will not be occurring under the proposed grading plans, shall be stabilized within 30 days of permit issuance. Stabilize all other disturbed areas within 7 days of final grading and topsoil application. Large sites shall be treated in stages as final grading is completed in each stage. Any soil erosion that occurs after final grading or the application of stabilization measures must be repaired and the stabilization work redone.

(o) Temporary Site Stabilization. Temporary stabilization applies to disturbed areas that will not be brought to final grade or on which land-disturbing activities will not be performed for a period greater than 14 days, and requires vegetative cover for less than one year. For purposes of this subsection, “land-disturbing activities” mean that no site grading, landscaping or utility work is occurring on that portion of the site and that precipitation events are not limiting these activities. Frozen soils do not exclude the site from this requirement.

(p) Removal of Practices. Remove all temporary BMPs such as silt fences, ditch checks and sediment traps as soon as all disturbed areas have been stabilized.

(q) Site Drainage. Site drainage plans shall comply with the provisions of Section 17.09-3(f).

(r) Stormwater BMP Data. When an Erosion Control Permit involves the maintenance of an existing stormwater BMP, including the removal of accumulated sediment, the P&D may require additional support data such as before/after surveys, design and construction details, and oversight by a professional engineer licensed in Wisconsin. [Code § 17.15-3.]