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(a) The county board at the first meeting after each regular election at which members are elected for full terms shall:

1. Meet for the purpose of organizing and for transacting general business, and

2. Elect a member chair. The chair shall assume the emergency powers bestowed upon the county executive in the absence of the county executive. Beginning with the 1990-1992 term, the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors approves the deletion of past protocol in the election of its leadership and is morally free to elect leadership on the basis of desirability and qualification regardless of the area of residence, previous office or seniority. The chair shall appoint members to the standing committees of the County Board and shall call upon the chairs of such standing committees to advise him or her from time to time as the need arises as members of the chair’s advisory committee.

3. Elect one of its members vice-chair. Beginning with the 1990-1992 term, the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors approves the deletion of past protocol in the election of its leadership and is morally free to elect leadership on the basis of desirability and qualification regardless of the area of residence, previous office or seniority. (7/11/89)

4. Repealed (10/15/96)

5. In the absence of the County Board Chair and the County Board Vice-Chair and where their presence is necessary to carry out the responsibilities of their office, the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors does hereby delegate to the most recent past chair present the responsibility of the chair of the county board. In the absence of a past chair, such responsibilities of the chair shall be delegated to the most senior member of the county board of supervisors. (10/7/86)

(b) The county board shall also hold an organizational meeting on the third Tuesday in April in non-election years for the purpose of transacting business that is permitted at the annual meeting and for the further purpose of organizing or reorganizing as may be deemed necessary.

(c) The organizational meeting may be adjourned in the same manner as prescribed for the adjournment of the annual meeting as set forth in section 59.11(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes.

(2) ANNUAL MEETING. The board of supervisors shall hold an annual meeting on the Tuesday next succeeding the second Monday in November in each year.

(3) REGULAR MEETINGS. The county board shall meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month for the purpose of transacting business. Regular meetings shall be deemed to be adjournments of either the annual or organizational meeting and any business that may be taken up at such annual or organizational meeting may be taken up at such regular meeting. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as to in any way limit the discretion of the Chair to cancel a regular meeting for any reason, including, but not limited to: a lack of agenda items, inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstances. Any such cancellation must be provided with adequate notice to Supervisors and the public. At the conclusion of the annual and organizational meetings, the board shall adjourn sine die. Any business pending upon which the board has not acted prior to the adjournment sine die can no longer be acted upon without being reintroduced. (3/20/18)

(4) SPECIAL AND EMERGENCY MEETINGS. Special and emergency meetings of the county board may be held pursuant to section 59.11(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as amended.