3.15 Commission on aging.
(1) Commission on Aging Created. There is hereby created a Kenosha County Commission on Aging, which shall act to improve the quality of life for our senior citizens.
(2) Membership. The Chairman of the County Board shall appoint the members of the Commission, subject to confirmation by the Board. The Commission shall consist of no more than 13 members. At least 51% of the members shall be senior citizens 60 years of age or over, and at least one member shall be under the age of 30. No more than 2 members shall be elected County officials.
(3) Term. The members shall serve for a term of 3 years.
(4) Organization, Bylaws. The Commission shall at its first meeting elect a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and a Secretary. Officers so elected shall serve for a term of one year. The Commission shall be authorized to adopt its own bylaws and procedures provided they are not inconsistent with the laws and ordinances of Kenosha County.
(5) Representation on Area Agency on Aging.
(a) Election of Delegates. The Commission shall elect two of its members to the Board of Directors to the Area Agency on Aging in the Planning and Service Area.
(b) Responsibility of Delegate. Represent the interest of Kenosha County senior citizens at the Area Agency level and to provide information and assistance to the Area Agency.
(6) Duties and Powers. The duties and powers of the Commission, which shall be exercised and performed in conformity with the laws and ordinances of Kenosha County, shall be as follows:
(a) Act as the clearinghouse for all County (public and private) programs on aging and make recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors regarding funding and policy decisions.
(b) Provide current information on the ages, income, population and demographic characteristics of the elderly in the County to interested agencies and individuals in the community.
(c) Delineate areas that need services and utilize existing community programs through community cooperation and coordination that will provide an efficient method for delivery of services.
(d) Indicate the need for particular legislation with back-up data.
(e) Make available to County Supervisors the information and research relating to the effects of proposed legislation.
(f) Act as the mechanism through which the older person can be heard on any issues relating to the well-being and enhancing the function of the elderly as contributing members of the community.
(g) Establish subcommittees to encourage community involvement, but in keeping with the purposes and objectives of the Commission.
(h) In cooperation with the County Board of Supervisors encourage the development of new and expanded programs for older adults consistent with delineated areas of need.
(i) Cooperate with the County Board of Supervisors and related public and private agencies and the older citizen in planning efforts.
(j) Make an annual report of its activities to the County Board and such other reports as the County Board from time to time requires.
(k) Prepare an annual budget for necessary and reasonable expenditures to be incurred by the Commission in accomplishing its goals and mandates, subject to review and approval of the County Board.
(7) Administrative Assistance. The County Board shall provide for the needs of the Commission, including a meeting place and reasonable compensation for expenses incurred by Commission members while participating on Commission functions.
(8) Cooperation With County Government. All departments and divisions of County government shall assist the Commission in fulfilling its purpose.