14.08.060 Curbs and gutters.
(a) In Land Divisions, including condominiums, the town board may require the subdivider to construct concrete curbs and gutters in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the town engineer. Curbs and gutters may be required on cul-de-sac “islands” and on streets with steep topographical conditions. Openings in curbs for drainage may be allowed, upon approval of the town engineer, to accommodate green stormwater management measures such as drainage into street tree wells, infiltration trenches, or bioretention basins with under drains. Wherever possible, provision shall be made at the time of construction for driveway access curb cuts or construction of “mountable” type curb and gutter if permitted by the town.
(b) Curb Ramps or Openings shall be installed, where applicable, in accordance with Section 66.0909 of the Wisconsin Statutes, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines, and as approved by the town engineer. Also see Section 14.07-5. [Code § 14.08-6.]